나이별 성공한 인생

나이별 성공한 인생

  • 10대… 성공한 아버지를 뒀으면 성공
  • 20대… 학벌이 좋으면 성공
  • 30대… 좋은 직장에 다니면 성공
  • 40대… 2차 쏠 수 있으면 성공
  • 50대… 공부 잘하는 자녀 있으면 성공
  • 60대… 아직 돈 벌고 있으면 성공
  • 70대… 건강하면 성공
  • 80대… 본처가 밥 차려 주면 성공
  • 90대… 전화 오는 사람 있으면 성공
  • 100세… 아침에 눈뜨면 성공

A “Successful” Life (American Edition)

  • Teens (10s): If you can snag a driver’s permit and maybe get your parents’ car on Friday night, you’re successful.
  • Twenties (20s): If you graduate college without drowning in student loans (or land a decent first job), you’ve made it.
  • Thirties (30s): If you’ve got a stable career and maybe own a home (or at least aren’t still crashing with your parents), you’re on top.
  • Forties (40s): If you can cover the tab for drinks—or take your family on a legit vacation—you’re successful.
  • Fifties (50s): If your kids are doing well—whether that’s college, careers, or just not needing bail money—you’re winning.
  • Sixties (60s): If you’re comfortably retired or still happily working on your own terms, that’s success.
  • Seventies (70s): If you can stay active—maybe play a round of golf, travel a bit, or chase the grandkids—you’re golden.
  • Eighties (80s): If your spouse (or someone) still makes you a home-cooked meal now and then, you’re fortunate.
  • Nineties (90s): If friends or family still pick up the phone to call—or better yet, come by—you’re succeeding.
  • At 100: If you wake up in the morning and know what day it is (give or take), you’ve truly made it!